That word means so much more this year.
As I get older, it becomes much easier for me to recognize my blessings. But it also gets harder for me to appreciate them. I sometimes take what I have for granted, like many people. But I am slowly learning to look around and realize that everything around me is a sweet miracle. The life I have, my family, my friends, smiling babies, the beautiful season.
There's so much to be thankful for.
This holiday season may be a little different for me. We found out my uncle has pancreatic cancer. It was a huge eye opener for me. I prayed and fasted for my uncle to be okay. I was scared of hearing how much "time" he had left. After he had a biopsy, we learned that he was in the 5% of patients that have the type of cancer that isn't fatal. It was a miracle. It was a huge relief for everyone. Even though what he has ahead of him will be far from easy, he will defeat this trial. I am so thankful for this.
So not only this holiday season, but as time goes on, I am going to try to always remember,
there's so much to be thankful.
I encourage you to do the same. Everyday that our life goes on and the time we get to spend with the people is a complete blessing. My life is so amazing and there isn't one thing that I would want to change about it. The song below explains everything perfectly.