Monday, March 28, 2011

31 days in 1 post!

A picture of yourself with 10 facts
1. I absolutely love my life.
2. My best friend Marci has literally brought more happiness in my life then i ever though was possible.
3. I love writing songs.
4. Music is a passion for me.
5. I am an absolute choir nerd!
6. I wanna see the world.
7. I love guitar and piano.
8. I love my friends.
9. I love my family.
10. I love doing hair.
11. My favorite color is pink.
12. I personally think that blankets are heaven sent.
13. I've had braces for almost 3 years.
14. I laugh all the time.
15. Life's cool.
A picture of the person you're closest with.
Love her.
A picture of your favorite TV show cast

A picture of your typical night
Being dumb.
A picture of your favorite memory.
Swimming with dolphins, it was unreal.
A picture of a person you'd love to switch place with for a day.
She is one of my biggest hero's musically.
She has faced rough times and is not afraid to admit she isn't perfect. I love her!

A picture of your most treasured item
My guitars.
A picture that makes you laugh.
It's bittersweet. 
A picture of the person you do the craziest things with.
He's insane, literally. :D
A picture of something you hate.
I don't like liars.
A picture of something you love.
Picture of your favorite band/artist.
I'm telling you, I love her.
A picture of someone you can't imagine your life without.
I love him more than life. :)
A picture of something you want to do before you die.
See the northern lights.
A picture of someone who inspires you.
My mom, she's amazing.
A picture of someone who has made a huge impact on your life.
He has no idea...
A picture of your biggest insecurity.
I'm afraid I'm going to have braces forever.
A picture of you when you were little.
I'm so cute!
A picture of somewhere you want to visit.
New Zealand, it's gorgeous.
A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Haiti Earthquake.
A picture of your favorite book.
Ahhh, I love it.
A picture of something you wish you could change.
A picture of your best day.
Any Friday is a good day.
Something that means a lot to you.
A picture of you and a family member
Couldn't pick just one!
Something you're afraid of.
Yellowstone blowing up.
A picture that makes you smile.
The memories. :)
A picture of someone you miss.
My extended family.
That's me!


  1. Whitney, I love this post! Thanks for mentioning me! You have changed my life for the better too! I don't know what I'd do without you! Love you tons! -Marce

  2. WHITNEY! I talked to Wenstrom and he's gonna give me a discount on Mindy Gledhill tickets! 7 bucks! We should go! -Marci

  3. You need to update. HAHA. Just sayin'.
