Is goooooood.
I like life.
No, actually I really rather enjoy life fully.
I got my licence this week. WEEEEHAA!
It's pretty exciting and I'm feeling a little independent.
Anywaysssss, the point of this post is not to annoy you with my excitement. It's to tell you about how I feel about this 4th of July. Hmmm. Usually the 4th isn't something I feel all warm hearted about. I mean, don't get me wrong I really enjoy loud burst of colors shooting up into the air and ruining you ear drums as much as any other person, but..... I recently watched this TV show called surprise homecoming. It's about soilders that have been sent over seas coming home without their loved one's knowing.
I kid you not there was not 10 minutes of that show that I did not have tears in my eyes.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am so thankful that I can live safe. I am so blessed and I have an absolutely amazing life and so many opprotunities.
This post not only makes me happy, because you finally posted again, but it also makes me happy and grateful that I have such a mature and awesome best friend! :)