Sophomore year has ended...
It was incredibly long, but unbelievably short.
So many excited things happened to me and there are lessons that I have learned that I will never forget.
This year took me on serious adventures.
Time to reflect....
My first dance ever. I went with my best friend and had the absolute time of my life. We danced the night away.
This laid back insane trip was lovely. This was where I really grew close to some amazing people. We had crazy adventures in my room with a plugged toilet and Taylor turning the heat up to 89 and our total transformation into black women. :)
This is a horrible picture, by one of my fondest memories this year. It was so fun to go around Salt Lake and being trapped on a bus because the wind speed was dangerous. :)
This was probably my fondest memory of this year. I had so much fun with these ladies. Especially Caroline. It was a magical night! :)
I literally took maybe two pictures on this trip. Which is extremely disappointing. It was amazing. Disneyland especially. I met and bonded with new people and it was such a great experience.
These are just a few of the amazing things I did this year. It was so amazing.
Now we'll reflect on a few amazing people...
Caroline. She is a beautiful young girl. Through all her heartbreak and sadness she never fails to put a smile on my face. I think it is beautiful that we can go from tears running down our faces to laughing so hard that we can't stop. She is truly one of the least selfish people I have ever met and her greatest quality is the love and patience she has for other people. I love her more than any words could ever say.
Jakub. The crazy foreign for Slovakia. We laughed endlessly with each other and did the absolute dumbest things. Haha. A smile automatically comes to my face with the thought of you. You were so mean to me but I know you always had good intentions because you wanted me to be blonde again. All I can say is I love you and America will miss you.
Taylor. She knows how much I love her. She is so selfless and loves everyone. She made me love myself and taught me what beauty really is. She is absolutely amazing. She is going to go so far. Australia, I love you.
Toby. You are so chill. So funny. So yourself. I never even noticed your accent. :) Our crazy memories with the weird Chinese people that serve us at Chinese restaurants. You will be missed, especially by me and Caroline but whenever I hear Sexy and I know it, I will definitely think of you. :D
Sadly, this year. The world lost one of the most beautiful souls. Alex Kidd. Her sister Nikki, is one of my closest friends. The few times that I saw her, she had a smile on her face. I have never been to a more beautiful memorial service for a person. The atmosphere was filled with love and warmth. Alex will always be remembered by every person she came in contact with. I know I will never forget her. She lived her life to the fullest and was a true example of what a friend should be. She will be forever remembered and forever missed.
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